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Celtic Woman – Scarborough Fair


Edited 3rd and 4th verses to be 4 semitones higher to match the live performance.

{Verse 1}

[Cm]Are you going to [A#]Scarborough F[Cm]air
[Cm]Par[A#]sley, [Cm]sage, rose[D#]mar[F]y and t[Cm]hyme
Rem[Cm]ember [D#]me to o[D#]ne [A#]who l[Cm]ives th[A#]ere
[Cm]He once [A#]was a true love of [Cm]mine

{Verse 2}

[Cm]Tell him to make me [A#]a cambric [Cm]shirt
[Cm]Par[A#]sley, [Cm]sage, rose[D#]mar[F]y and t[Cm]hyme
With[Cm]out no [D#]seams no[D#]r n[A#]eedl[Cm]e wor[A#]k
[Cm]Then he'll [A#]be a true love of [Cm]mine

{Verse 3}

[D#m]Tell him to [C#]find me an acre of [D#m]land
[D#m]Par[C#]sley, [D#m]sage, rose[F#]mar[G#]y and [D#m]thyme
Betw[D#m]een salt w[F#]ater [F#]and [C#]the [D#m]sea [C#]strands
[D#m]Then he'll [C#]be a true love of [D#m]mine

{Verse 4}

[D#m]Are you g[C#]oing to Scarborough F[D#m]air
[D#m]Par[C#]sley, [D#m]sage, rose[F#]mar[G#]y and t[D#m]hyme
Rem[D#m]ember [F#]me to o[F#]ne [C#]who l[D#m]ives th[C#]ere
[D#m]He once [C#]was a true love of [D#m]mine